
How to deal with degree seeking students with a foreign qualifying diploma or degree seeking students with a foreign nationality in the number of students enrolled?
The number of students enrolled only refers to students for which the institution is the institution of principal enrollment (hoofdinschrijving). Simultaneous enrollments at other institutions should be excluded here.
Can bursary PhD candidates be reported?
PhD candidates can be reported as students if they are 'bursary PhD students', enrolled in a PhD course on the basis of a grant and are not appointed as a temporary staff member.
How to deal with external PhD candidates?
PhD candidates can be reported as students if they have a status as a bursary student at the institution. Here the following definition is applicable: the PhD candidates are enrolled in the institution on the basis of a grant. PhD candidates that are not enrolled in the institution as a student and that are not appointed as staff are not included in U-Map. This is the case for external PhD candidates (buitenpromovendi).
What do you mean by 'degree seeking students'?
A degree seeking student is enrolled in a degree program with the intention to get the degree. Students who are enrolled in programs that do not lead to degrees (but to certificates) are also not considered to be degree seeking. All degree levels should be included.
How to deal with master students who only take courses abroad, but without a bilateral agreement?
The U-Map team has decided not to include them.
What do you mean by 'degree seeking students with a foreign qualifying diploma'?
Only full degree seeking. Exchange students are covered in one of the next questions. A degree seeking students is enrolled in a degree program with the intention to get the degree. Students enrolled for only one or two modules or on exchange basis are not considered to be degree seeking students. Students who are enrolled in programs that do not lead to degrees (but to certificates) are also not considered to be degree seeking.
Does 'new entrants from the region' refer to the main campus only?
If the other campuses are in a different region than the main campus, than new entrants from the region of the other campus should be considered to be regional as well.
How to deal with simultaneous enrollments?
The number of students enrolled only refers to students for which the institution is their principle institution of enrollment. In the Dutch case: if they pay their tuition fee to the institution. Therefore, simultaneous enrollments should be excluded here.
Who are new entrants from the region?
New entrants coming from the region only refers to those students that are new entrants to the institution. New entrants can be new entrants to either the bachelor level, the master level or in case of doctoral students counted as students, students entering a PhD program. Students that continue their education at the same institution (e.g. a bachelorstudent entering a master program) are excluded here.
How to treat a student that is required to be on campus only for two weeks in a semester (for a course of say 10 ECTS)?
After comparing with current institutions and discussing the issue in the U-Map team, we have decided to not regard these students as students enrolled in distance education, but to treat them as regular students.
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