Portugal specific

Does U-Map include the Curso de Especialização Tecnológica (CET)?
The Curso de Especialização Tecnológica (CET)are to be excluded given that they are classified as ISCED 4, the CET programs are post-secondary education, and differ from higher education. This applies to both in the graduate numbers, as well as the number of students enrolled, and other data that are related to CETs (e.g. the financial sections, staff). The CETs are also excluded in the prefilled information on students we received from MCTES.
What is the deadline for submission of the data?
The deadline for the Portuguese U-Map project is 15 June 2011.
What is a region in Portugal?
For U-Map we suggest to use the NUTS2 regions. Please also see the Glossary. Portugal has 7 regions according to the NUTS classification (Norte, Algarve, Centro, Lisboa, Alentejo, Acores, Madeira). If a HEI is situated in more than one region, its students from the region can originate from more than one NUTS2 region.
What is the default reference year for U-Map in Portugal?
For Portugal we will use 2009 as the default reference year (calendar year 2009 and academic year 2009-2010).
Do you have a categorization of the degrees according to subjects?
Information on the Portuguese degrees awarded per subject according to the ISCED classification can be found on the following website of MCTES: http://www.gpeari.mctes.pt/?idc=33&idi=443388. Additional information on the OECD ISCED97 classification that distinguishes 8 broad subject areas or fields of education can be found here: http://browse.oecdbookshop.org/oecd/pdfs/browseit/9604031E.PDF.
Do you have a categorization of the Portuguese degree levels available?
The taxonomy table for the Portuguese degrees according to program level can be found on this webpage:
What data did you use for prefilling?
You can find the sources for the Portuguese prefilling at the following website:
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