U-Map in Estonia


In January 2011, the U-Map national approach started in Estonia. Within the framework of the U-Map LLL project, agreement was reached regarding the commitment of the Estonian Ministry of Education and the Estonian Rector’s conference to the U-Map project.

All Estonian higher education institutions will be given the opportunity to participate and have their own U-Map activity profile generated. The project will be finalized after Summer 2011.

On-Line questionnaire

The main data collection instrument is the on-line questionnaire. In this questionnaire, information on definitions used and underlying rationale of the question is provided.

The procedure

In the process from datacollection to publication of results we follow the U-Map protocol.

Technical workshop

To facilitate higher education institutions in completing the questionnaire, a technical workshop was organized. In the technical workshop the questionnaire was presented in detail and potential pitfalls in the Estonian context were discussed. For the report of the workshop, click here.

Dissemination seminar

In the seminar on 23 September 2011 the results of the U-Map project in Estonia will be presented and the institutional U-Map profiles will be discussed within the Estonian higher education policy context. For the program of the seminar, click here.

Important documents

The U-Map Glossary (version 2.0). The glossary specifies the definitions of the data elements of the questionnaire.

The Definitions and Sources for prefilling in Estonia.

Implementing U-Map in Estonia. 2011 Case study Report.

In the media

U-Map also appears in the Estonia media:

In Õpetajate Lehe 25 March ‘11: ‘Eesti kõrghariduse kohta valmib andmebaas

On the radio: listen here to the radio interview with Mart Laidmets, head of the department Higher Education, Ministry of Education in Estonia.


14 March 2011: Almost all higher education institutions have expressed their interest to participate and have identified their contact persons. They have received the access codes to their pre-filled questionnaire.

21 March 2011: Technical workshop in Tartu. The report can be found here.

23 September 2011: Dissemination seminar in Tartu. The program can be found here.

November 2011: Case study report on implementing U-Map in Estonia. The report can be found here.

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